Friday, January 24, 2025

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Review: Dice Hard by Hangry Dwarf Press

"Dice Hard" by Hangry Dwarf Press is a light heated short Kickstarter funded adventure penned by Sean Ferrell older brother of Matt Ferrell owner...

Review: So you want to be a Game Master?

So you want to be a Game Master by Justin Alexander is a 544 page behemoth aimed at new game masters but also contains...

Review: Forge of Foes

Forge of Forest is a 5e Kickstarter project by experience 5e designers and editors Mike Shea (Lazy Dungeon Master), Teos Abadia, and Scott Fitzgerald...

Review: Dungeons & Dragons – Vecna: Eve of Ruin

Vecna: Eve of Ruin is Wizards of the Coasts signature campaign adventure for 50 years of Dungeons and Dragons and is designed to celebrate...

Review: Dungeons and Dragons – Spelljammer Adventures in Space

In 2022 Wizards of the Coast deviated from their traditional single book format to develop a 3-book set with slip cover case for the...
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